Lesson 4
Earning VersaPoints
Whenever you perform a task or purchase a product, you earn VersaPoints (often referred to as VP), which help you create your rank as an affiliate, and gain higher percentages and bonuses. For example, earning a total of 1500 VP each month will promote you to the rank of Executive Affiliate (EA), while earning a total of 3000 VP will earn you the higher rank of a Bronze Team Leader. There are two types of VP: Sales and Action. You earn Sales VP when you purchase items or make sales, and you earn Action VP for performing various tasks such as reviewing the ten tabs in the affiliate center, or sending group mail to your downline team.
In this lesson we will learn how to earn 10 Action VP every day. Log in to your SFI affiliate center, which brings you to the home page. Under the menu bar, you will see a row of 15 tabs, 13 of which will be highlighted in red. SFI recommends you review these sections daily, and confirm you have done so by clicking on the button at the bottom of each page. Notice the screenshot below displaying the 15 tabs on the home page. I will take you through each tab and give a short explanation for each one.
This is a general information section that gives you instant access to your total VP earned (both action and sales combined), the latest SFI news, and the latest posts from the SFI Forum.
This section gives you a list of daily, weekly and monthly actions, along with other actions you can perform to earn VP. There are links pointing to each section that you need to visit in order to perform each task required of you. Each task has a type which is S (for Sales VP), or A (for Action VP).
This section offers general tips from SFI as well as other affiliates. You can learn lots of useful information, which you can then apply to your own business, and pass along to your downline team members.
In this section you can submit a short message to your team, and read messages from people in your upline (people who are your sponsors). Sometimes just a motivational meme will be helpful to keep your team going strong.
Learn about the latest deals going on at TripleClicks, including the Pricebenders auctions, where you can participate in penny auctions and get some amazing deals. TripleClicks will be covered in detail in a later lesson.
The scoreboard gives you all the general information you need on how many VP you have earned, along with how much money you have earned up to that point. You will also learn how many VP you need to qualify for the next rank, which increases your commissions the higher you rank up.
This is where you will see which of your downline team members have been logging into their affiliate center in the past week. These people are known as "Movers" because their efforts show that they are working their business, and it also allows you to see who in your team may need some help in certain areas.
The Global Growth Report gives you a general report on how SFI is growing, which includes new members, how many from each country, and so on. Becoming an EA allows you to share in part of that growth as you will receive shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool, as well as two bonus Co-Sponsored Affiliates (CSA's) each month. Every time that you increase your rank, the benefits to you increase.
Set goals for yourself each month by making a note of what you are hoping to achieve. For example, you could aim to sponsor ten new affiliates this month, and this section will inform you when you have reached that goal. Setting goals helps you to increase your intention to succeed in your business. If you have completed your Affiliate Profile, your long-term goals will also be displayed here. Your long-term goals are what you hope to get from your work in the future, such as early retirement, or a larger home.
If you haven’t completed your affiliate profile yet, you can do so here.
This is where you can enter the Daily Grand and win prizes such as TCredits, CSA's and VersaPoints on a daily basis. You get one entry per day automatically by simply entering for that day, but you can earn extra entries by participating in various other activities.
Out of the 15 sections, only 13 allow you to earn one VP. In order to earn each VP, you must click on the blue button at the bottom of each page.
Most of the VP you will earn at TripleClicks are the Sales VP, which you earn from either purchasing products for yourself, or from sales generated from your downline team and TripleClicks customers. You can learn more about TripleClicks in the next lesson. In the meantime, you can learn how to earn Action VP from various tasks.
Create a Standing Order: If you want to receive a product monthly, you can set up a standing order, which will give you a bonus of 100 VP for each month the standing order is active.
Bidding at Pricebenders: You can earn up to 500 VP per month by bidding on auction items.
Reviewing Purchased Products: Each time you buy a product from TripleClicks, you will receive an email asking you to submit a short review. You can earn 25 VP for each review that you submit.
For extra information about VP, click here.
If you wish to know what you get for earning VP, click here for the Benefits Chart.
For a complete list of VP you can earn, click here to see your VP Ledger.
The VP you earned for the previous month will be reset to zero at the start of each new month. The VP you earned will be calculated and converted to commission (for Sales VP), and rank (for Action VP). It is important to know that you will not be paid any commission for Action VP, only for Sales VP earned by your own purchases. In order to be paid, you must get sales from customers or your downline team. It stands to reason that SFI needs to receive money in order to pay you commission.
If you are a new member, it is possible to achieve EA status and the rank of Silver Team Leader in your first month, as more Action VP is offered for completing the 30 steps of the Launchpad, as well as reading various articles and performing other tasks. From your second month onward, you will need to earn Sales VP from personal and customer purchases to qualify as an EA2 for each month, and you will need to earn at least 1000 Action VP to become a Team Leader each month. It can take a few months before you are earning enough Action VP to become a Team Leader, but it all depends on how much work you put into building your business, and making sales.
SFI is a real business, and must be treated like one. Any business opportunity requires time and effort to become profitable. Join my team and I will show you exactly how to start building your business so you can become successful.